Une administration proche de vous
How do I get to the UVCI headquarters ?
How do I get to a Digital Presence Point (PPN)?
- COCODY PPN (Modern College Technical High School)
- KOUMASSI PPN (Saint-Etienne Church in koumassi)
- ABOBO SOUTH PPN (Abobo Modern High School 1 & 2)
- ABOBO NORTH PPN (CFC of Nangui Abrogoua University)
- PORT-BOUËT PPN (Saint John the Baptist Church in Adjoufou)
- YOPOUGON SOUTH PPN (EPP Siporex 8 from Yopougon)
- YOPOUGON NORTH PPN (Elysée School of Yopougon Morocco)
- ADJAMÉ PPN (Jean Delafosse School Group)
- ABENGOUROU PPN (Multimedia Center of the Abengourou City Hall)
- DALOA PPN (UJLOG New Building TD)
- KORHOGO PPN (Modern College of KORHOGO)
- BOUAKÉ PPN (Digital Space of Bouaké (Commerce, behind the CNPS))
- YAMOUSSOUKRO PPN (Santa Familia School Group SOPIM area)
- MAN PPN (Man Vocational High School)
- BASSAM PPN (Digital Centre Youth Forum)
- SAN-PEDRO PPN (courtyard of the young city employment agency, multimedia room of the alliance française)